Tom Barrie Simmons

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Night Time Thoughts…

Decisions decisions I’ve decided to write about decisions, it’s 3am.

And so far I’ve had two hours sleep tonight.

But first I need to get out of bed and make some breakfast. While the kettle is boiling and the bread is in the toaster, I go outside for some fresh air as the rain has just stopped.

Everything looks very peaceful and clean.

Then I notice, sitting in splendid isolation on the end of the wall, a pink doggy bag. I don’t think the contents are very palatable

The kettle has boiled and I decide to wait until later in the day to see if the owner of the dog has removed the bag.

During the day I have my job list, and my playtime, but at night it’s a different matter.

When I wake up in the dark peacefulness; that is when I decide to let my imagination out of it’s box.

That is when ideas come from dreams and I feel as if I can do anything I like.

So, there are two ways to go as I see it, first is – just do it. And the second is – the 5P’s (Which are: proper preparation prevents poor performance) But ho

Post script….

Well, it’s 8 o’clock now, I never did get back to sleep, but the pink bag has been collected!